Winners 'Progress toward circularity' Marie Claire Sustainability Awards

Yodomo to manage Textile Reuse Hub

Yodomo will be managing a new Textile Reuse Hub as a demonstrator project for Hackney Wick & Fish Island Community Development Trust' #ReRoute project in a new space provided by The Trampery.

The textile reuse hub will build on our continued textiles circularity work at the Yodomo Circular Hub at Hackney City Farm (originally supported by London Borough of Hackney and Footwork) and focus on solutions to reduce textile waste. It will also be the home of the Sustainable Young Makers programme working with partners Poplar HARCA and Rise Up.

The space will:

  • Provide a demonstrator for circular economy approaches to making, encouraging materials reuse and a space to use machinery and learn about materials to support sustainable making

  • Support young makers to gain experience in building their own fashion and making businesses, using circular approaches, or to adapt existing businesses to build in more sustainable approaches 

  • Provide showcasing opportunities, including product launches, for Sustainable Young Makers 

  • Engage the wider community in sustainable approaches to making through a series of events and activities 

  • Encourage circular approaches in the wider Hackney Wick and Fish Island fashion, creative and making communities via access to material resources, linked to the Hackney Creative Reuse Project at Hackney City Farm

The Textile Reuse Hub has been made possible by the Greater London Authority’s (GLA) High Streets For All Challenge Fund and support from the London Borough of Hackney. In 2021, the GLA funded the HWFI CDT to deliver a circular economy initiative in the area, to demonstrate new ways of using the high street area and engaging young people in this agenda.

Hackney Wick and Fish Island Community Development Trust (HWFI CDT) secured the space with The Trampery Fish Island Village, to launch a textile reuse hub that will focus on solutions to reduce textile waste and be the home of the Sustainable Young Makers programme.

The Textile Reuse Hub will showcase circular economy approaches to fashion and making and is the first ReRoute project to launch.

ReRoute is coordinated by HWFI CDT and is a programme to test, trial, scale and grow ideas and business initiatives that seek to reduce the amount of waste and emissions in the local area. ReRoute is a project designed by local people and businesses aimed at tackling climate change by coordinating local action and working together.

The Textile Reuse Hub will be managed by social venture partners Yodomo, with programme support from Poplar HARCA, Rise Up East and local youth charities with space provided by the Trampery.

Read the full press release at ReRoute.