Winners 'Progress toward circularity' Marie Claire Sustainability Awards

Online Course FAQs

Accessing Your Online Course

What is a Yodomo ‘My Courses’ account?


Your 'My Courses' account is where you can access the Yodomo courses you have purchased. Once you create an account, you'll be able to access your enrolled courses 24/7, by logging into your account here, or by going to My Courses from the top navigation bar.


How do I make a Yodomo ‘My Courses’ account?


You can only make an account once you have a Yodomo course to access.

You will be invited to set up a Yodomo My Courses account following your first purchase of an online course, or course and kit, which is taught via ‘My Courses’.

Please note, many of our courses + kits feature courses not taught through 'My Courses', so these do not require an account.


I already have a My Courses account, but my new course is not showing up. What do I do? 


Please check that you have used the same email address during checkout, or via the 'Redeem Your Course' form, that you used to create your Yodomo 'My Courses' account.

Many of our Courses + Kits are taught by printed guides, or by video guides not accessed via Yodomo 'My Courses'. You'll be able to find out how your course is taught via the enclosed instructions in your kit, or else on the product page for your kit. 

Learn more about delivery, refunds and returns here.

Couldn't find what you were looking for? Please contact us here.